
国字无边,美玉其中,传统活化,设计东方 —— 基于这一理念, 将国美标志通过笔画的延伸和转折,并融入“East”(东方)的首字母,再加以本届米兰世博会的标准配色,变化成一个色彩斑斓的“东”字 —— 简简单单的文字符号,就这样“出落”成了本次“设计·东方”主题展的“代言人”,强化其精神主题。

The word “Country-国” without borders, the word “Jade-玉” in the inside, conventional activation and DESIGN EAST, based on this idea, the logo of China Academy of art through extension and turning strokes, and the integration of "East" (Oriental) the first letter, current Milan Expo standard color and change into a colorful "East-东” of the word. From the point of view of modern design, to find a new perspective of the traditional Chinese heritage and the contemporary Oriental life experience.



中华人民共和国驻米兰总领事馆副总领事黄永跃先生、米兰世博会中国区首席代表周亦嘉先生、世博会国际时尚产业联盟秘书长高燕女士、米兰中欧创新中心发起人、北京国际设计周组委会副主任孙群先生、威尼斯建筑双年展《中国城市馆》策展人建筑师米迦勒 Michele Brunello 博士、NABA 米兰新美术学院教授 Nicoletta Morozzi 女士、米兰理工大学设计学院终身教授 Luca Fois 先生、《DDN国际设计与流行通讯》主笔 Luciana Cuomo 女士、意大利著名时尚设计师及策展人芭芭拉 Barbara Casati 女士、时尚评论人创意空间大师史蒂芬·哈梅尔 Stephan Hamel 先生、意大利家喻户晓的华裔演员石阳石先生等近百位中外嘉宾出席了本次展览的开幕酒会。设计 · 东方

Design · East
Design has prospective and retrospective feature. So, in China, we think and criticize the cutting-edge design issues under the premise of respecting the traditional culture. China's traditional culture and crafts are an important source and spirit of Chinese design; we need to start from the perspective of modern design and look for a new research system for traditional hand crafts in modern living context. Modern activation of traditional crafts retains and restores a variety of information that Chinese traditional culture carries in a certain extent. At the same time, it also creates a new tangible and intangible form that would be accepted by the new cultural and economic mode in different context of culture and era. It would help to enrich and remodeling new form of society today on the dimensions of the design constantly.