CHEN ZHENGDA Design Studio www.chenzhengda.com Design for Happiness www.designforhappiness.com.cn ![]() SHI FANG Fine Art www.shifangfineart.com www.smart-assistant.net CHINA ACADEMY OF ART Office of Academic Affairs Building 7,Xiangshan Campus of CAA Zhuantang Town, 310024 Hangzhou, China CHINA ACADEMY OF ART Office of Academic Affairs 1B216,Nanshan Campus of CAA Shangcheng District 310002 Hangzhou, China T. +86 571 8720 0021 E. chenzhengda(at)caa.edu.cn www.caa.edu.cn DESIGN DESIGN GROUP Phoenix Creative, A4-2-202 No.1 Chuang Yi Road, Zhuantang Town, 310024 Hangzhou, China T. +86 571 8677 9501 F. +86 571 8677 9502 E. chenzhengda(at)design-group.cn www.design-design.cn WeChat. designdesign-group Copyright 2002-2023 杭州西湖区转塘中国美术学院 象山中心校区7号楼7楼 教务处 杭州上城区南山路218号 中国美术学院南山校区1B216 形而上设计联盟 杭州西湖区转塘 创意路1号 凤凰创意国际 A4-2-202 ![]() 视觉治愈 陈正达 著 Visual Treatment By Prof. Chen Zhengda 中国美术学院出版社 ISBN 978-7-5503-2476-3 ![]() 多维设计与策划 陈正达 王弋 著 Multidimensional Design & Strategy By Prof. Chen Zhengda & Wang yi 中国美术学院出版社 ISBN 978-7-5503-2837-2 ![]() 设计再出发——设计学科国际发展通报 陈正达 张春燕 徐捷 编著 The Design Turn —— A Report on the International Design Disciplinary Development By Prof. Chen Zhengda & Zhang Chunyan & Xu Jie 中国美术学院出版社 ISBN 978-7-5503-2340-7 |
浙ICP备05000754号-1 |
中文简介Biography |
Prof. Chen Zhengda, originally from Jiangsu province in China. He currently serves as the Director of Academic Affairs at China Academy of Art (CAA), where he also holds the position of PhD supervisor. In this role, he is responsible for advancing educational reforms and overseeing the overall planning and development of the school's design disciplines. Previously, he held the position of Deputy Dean at the School of Design at CAA. Prof. Chen is a member of both the China Artists Association and the New York Type Directors Club (TDC). As a pioneer in "Science + Fiction Design," Prof. Chen advocates for design research and creation within science fiction contexts. He has established research directions such as "Eastern Vision" and "Visual Treatment," emphasizing the development of thought processes and methodologies in design education. His focus is on fostering multi-dimensional strategic thinking, conducting scientific social research, promoting flexible creative training, and encouraging cross-disciplinary design practices. Prof. Chen's research on "Multidimensional Design Methodology for Enhancing National Happiness Index" has achieved outstanding results, leading to the development of the "Design for Happiness" theoretical model. This work was recognized and included in the 2024 Kyoto Global Design Awards' annual design theory list. In the field of poster design, Prof. Chen has made remarkable contributions and achievements. His representative works have been featured in notable publications, including the 6th edition of "Meggs' History of Graphic Design" by Philip B. Meggs and Alston W. Purvis, and "Graphic Design Vol.2 1960-TODAY" by Jens Muller and Julius Wiedemann. Throughout his career, Prof. Chen has received numerous awards, such as the Judger's Prize at the 2001 China Graphic Design Competition, the Silver Medal at the 2005 Taiwan International Poster Design Award, the Bronze Award at the 2005 Graphic Design in China, the Second Prize at the 2009 4th Block International Eco Poster and Graphic Triennial, the Gold Award at the 10th International Logo Biennial Awards, and the Distinction Award at the 2016 REBRAND 100 Global Awards. Prof. Chen's works have been exhibited at prestigious venues, including "China Design Now" at the V&A, the 2008 Beijing Olympics National Art & Design Exhibition, and "POST_: Contemporary International Poster Retrospective" at the Icograda World Design Congress in Beijing in 2009. He has also participated in biennials and triennials held in cities such as Warsaw, Lahti, Chaumont, Brno, Trnava, Kharkov, Toyama, Hong Kong, Seoul, Rzeszow, Bolivia, Hangzhou, and Ningbo. In 2002, he established his studio in Hangzhou, followed by the founding of DESIGN DESIGN Group in 2007. In 2010, he ventured into fine arts with the establishment of SHI FANG Fine Art in Düsseldorf. Prof. Chen has made significant contributions to brand identity design, leading and overseeing nearly a hundred brand rejuvenation and construction projects. Notably, he was the designer and artistic director for the emblem and visual identity system of the Hangzhou Asian Para Games. Skill Graphic Design, Poster Design, Book Design, Branding Design, Information Design, Web Design ... ... Prof. Chen Zhengda Director of Academic Affairs of China Academy of Art born in Nantong, China Bachelor's degree of in Graphic Design at China Academy of Art Master's degree in Multimedia and web design at China Academy of Art Curator of China International Poster Biennial, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019,2021 Founder-member of China International Poster Biennial Curator of Graphic Art Festival, 2002, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014 2003-2006 Creative Director of Chen Zhengda Design Associates, China 2007- Partner in Hangzhou Superdesign Co.,Ltd, China 2007-2013 Partner in Art Design Institute of China Academy of Art (ADI), China 2007-2013 Chairman of Art Design Institute of China Academy of Art (ADI), China 2008 President of Jury of the 8th Platinum Originality Graphic Design Competition, China 2009- Visiting Professor of The School of Art and Design Zhejiang Vocational College of Commerce, China 2010-2015 Creative Director and Partner in SHI FANG Culture Communication GmbH, Deutschland 2011 Jury of the 11th Platinum Originality Graphic Design Competition, China 2011 Jury of the 5th China International Poster Biennial, China 2011 Jury of the AGDA Poster Annual 2011, Australia 2014- Partner in DESIGN DESIGN GROUP, China 2015 Curator of DESIGN·EAST Exhibition & Conference, Milano, Italy 2015 Curator of DESIGN·EAST Exhibition, Hangzhou, China 2015 Director of Visual Communication Department, China Academy of Art 2016 Curator of DESIGN·EAST Exhibition & Conference, London, UK 2016 Design Director of DDD Store, Hangzhou, China 2016 Vice Director of CHC China Healthcare Collaboration Design Workstation, China Academy of Art 2016 President of Jury of the 17th Platinum Originality International University Students Graphic Design Competition, China 2016 Jury of Asian University Students Zodiac Cultural Creative Design Competition 2017 Director of National Union of Art Education Experts 2017 Jury of Asian University Students Zodiac Cultural Creative Design Competition 2018 Jury of the 19th Platinum Originality International University Students Graphic Design Competition, China 2018 Vice Dean of Design School of China Academy of Art 2019 Jury of the 19th Platinum Originality International University Students Graphic Design Competition, China 2019 Jury of the 9th China International Poster Biennial, China 2020 Jury of the 21th Platinum Originality International University Students Graphic Design Competition, China 2021 Director of Academic Affairs of China Academy of Art 2021 Jury of the 10th China International Poster Biennial, China 2023 International Jury of the 11th China International Poster Biennial, China Lives and works in Hangzhou ONE-PERSON EXHIBITIONS 2003 FEELING STYLE , Gallery in Xihu Tiandi, Hangzhou, China, 31. July - 9. August 2003 2005 50 POSTERS , Confucian Temple Gallery, Nantong, China, 12. March - 16. April 2005 AWARDS 1999 Y2K-Embracing the Millennium , International Computer Art Competition, Bronze Prize 2000 The 1st Platinum Originality Competition, China, Excellent Prize, Selection Prize 2000 Zhejiang Youth Daily Education Public Welfare Poster Competition, China, Sliver Prize , Bronze Prize 2001 China Graphic Design Competition , China, Judger Prize, Excellent Prize 2001 IDEAL Cigarettes Package Design Competition, China, Gold Prize 2002 Charles B. Wang Graduation Works Scholarship Award, China 2002 China Academy of Art Graduation Creative Works, China, Permanent Collection Prize 2004 The 3rd International Poster Biennial, Ningbo, China, IGDB New Designer Award 2005 Taiwan International Poster Design Award 2005, Taiwan, Silver Medal 2005 Graphic Design in China 05, Shenzhen, China, Bronze Award 2005 Award for Best Tutor at Originality Platinum 2005 2006 The 4th International Poster Biennial, Ningbo, China, Recognition Award 2007 Graphic Design in China 07, Shenzhen, China, Excellent Award 2009 The 4th block International Eco Poster and Graphic Triennial, Ukraine, Second Prize 2009 Taiwan International Poster Design Award 2009, Judges' Special Award of Freeman Lau 2009 Graphic Design in China 09, Shenzhen, China, Merit Award 2011 Designnova Award, Beijing, China, Presidents' Nomination Award 2012 Designnova Award, Beijing, China, Presidents' Nomination Award 2015 The Fourth Design & Art Contest of Chinese Universities , First Prize 2016 The 2016 REBRAND 100 Global Awards, STO express, Distinction Award 2016 10th International Logo Biennial Awards, Beijing, YUNDA Express, Gold Award 2016 10th International Logo Biennial Awards, Beijing, STO Express, Bronze Award 2016 The Fifth Design & Art Contest of Chinese Universities, First Prize 2017 Graphic Design in China, Organization Award 2019 GDC Award 2019 Excellent work Director 2024 Kyoto Global Design Award, design for happiness , Design Theory INVITATION EXHIBITIONS 1999 Shanghai Graphic Design Association ' Water ' Poster Exhibition, China 2001 China Graphic Design Exhibition, Denmark 2002 Discover Asia International Poster Exhibition, Taiwan, China 2003 X-Power Invitational International Poster Show, China 2003 No War Invitational Poster Exhibition, Shenzhen, China 2004 X-CARE International Design Exhibition, Taiwan, China 2004 International Poster Design Exhibition 04, Newcastle, England 2005 Born in the 70's Poster Exhibition, Suzhou, China 2006 Contemporary Poster Design from China, Hamburg, Germany 2006 Shanghai International Poster Contest to Promote World Expo 2010, Shanghai, China 2008 China Design Now ,V&A, London, UK 2008 New Generation,Phoenix Creative International Design Festival, Hangzhou, China 2008 2008 Beijing Olympics National Art & Design Exhibition, Beijing, China 2008 China Design Now, Cincinnati Art Museum, USA 2008 5.12:China's Massive Erath Quake - A Commemorative Exhibition, Nanjing, China 2009 CCII Dsign For Life Theme Design Competition, 798, Beijing, China 2009 China Design Now , Portland Museum of Art, USA 2009 POST_:Contemporary International Poster Retrospective, Icograda World Design Congress Beijing 2009 2010 Visual Impact - Tanaami keiichi in my eyes, Oct Art & Design Gallery, China 2010 New Face Posters From China, Nizio Gallery, Warsaw, Poland 2010 Cross-strait Outstanding Designers' Poster Invitational Exhibition, Xiamen Art Gallery, China 2010 IGDB6 International Graphic Design Biennial, Ningbo, China 2010 IGDB6 Graphic Interactive Exhibition, Ningbo, China 2011 VMD International Design Exhibition, Guangzhou, China 2011 China Creative Design Week, Beijing, China 2012 Cross-strait Outstanding Designers' Poster Invitational Exhibition, Taiwan, China 2012 China Creative Design Week, Beijing, China 2014 AGDIE Asia Graphic Design Exhibition, Korea 2016 Asia Poster Tour Exhibition - 「Color」, NIC Nagoya, Japan 2016 Asia Poster Tour Exhibition - 「Color」, Seoul, Korea 2016 Silk Road Spirit - The 1st West International Design Biennial, Xi'an, China 2016 Asia Poster Tour Exhibition - 「Color」, Macau, China 2017 Chinese Designers Excellent Works Exhibition of International Visual Competition, 2017 Beijing Design Week, China 2017 Pride of Place - Works from UNESCO Creative Cities of Crafts and Folk Art, Paducah, USA 2017 The 8th China International Poster Biennial, Hangzhou, China 2018 Fascinating Hunan Culture Poster Design Contest, Hunan, China 2018 60th Anniversary of ZHUANGSHI Journal Poster Invitational Exhibition, Beijing, China 2019 Forest City International Public Poster Design Invitation Exhibition, Nantong, China GROUP EXHIBITIONS (Selection) 2000 Beijing International Graphic Design Exhibition, China 2001 The 3rd International Triennial of Stage Poster Sofia, Bulgaria 2001 The 8th International Biennial of Theatre Poster Rzeszow, Poland 2002 The 20th International Biennial of Graphic Design Brno, Czech Republic 2002 The 2nd Chinese Graphic Design Competition, China 2002 The 1st Korea International Poster Biennial, Korea 2002 Red Cross International Poster Exhibition, China 2003 Trnava International Poster Triennial 2003, Slovakia 2003 The 5th International Triennale of Eco Posters and Graphics Art Kharkov, Ukraine 2003 The 14th International Lahti Poster Biennial, Finland 2003 The First China International Poster Biennial, China 2004 The 19th International Poster Biennale, Warsaw, Poland 2004 Hong Kong International Poster Triennial, Hong Kong, China 2004 The 9th International Triennial of Political Poster, Mons, Belgium 2004 VI International Computer Art Biennale, Rzeszow, Poland 2004 The Second Korea International Poster Biennial, Korea 2005 The 16th Chaumont International Poster Festival, Chaumont, France 2005 The 15th International Lahti Poster Biennial, Finland 2005 The 2nd China International Poster Biennial, Hangzhou, China 2006 The 22th International Biennial of Graphic Design Brno, Czech Republic 2006 The 8th International Poster Triennial In Toyama, Japan 2006 The 20th International Poster Biennale, Warsaw, Poland 2006 Trnava International Poster Triennial 2006, Slovakia 2007 The 16th International Lahti Poster Biennial, Finland 2007 Hong Kong International Poster Triennial, Hong Kong, China 2009 The 4th China International Poster Biennial, China 2009 Trnava International Poster Triennial 2009, Slovakia 2009 The 3th International Biennial of the Poster in Bolivia, Bolivia 2009 1.Grafik Design Biennale China and Deutschland, Xian, China 2010 1.Grafik Design Biennale Deutschland and China, Offenbach, Deutschland 2010 The 22th International Poster Biennale, Warsaw, Poland 2010 Hong Kong International Poster Triennial, Hong Kong, China 2011 AGDA Poster Annual 2011 Exhibition Jury Show, Gaffa Gallery, Australia 2011 Project Sunshine for Japan Poster Exhibition, Japanese House Düsseldorf, Deutschland 2012 China Design Exhibition, Shenzhen, China 2013 Fuorisalone Sarpi Bridge - Oriental Design Week, Milan Design Week, Italy 2013 The 8th National Exhibition of Book Design in China 2015 DESIGN·EAST Exhibition, Milano, Italy 2015 DESIGN·EAST Exhibition, Hangzhou Cultural & Creative Industry Expo, China 2015 DESIGN DESIGN CAA, China YIWU Cultural Products Trade Fair, China 2015 Graphic Design in China 15, Shenzhen, China 2016 DESIGN DESIGN CAA,China YIWU Cultural Products Trade Fair, China 2016 Ch + Fu,& CHERNOBYL 30, FUKUSHIMA 5, Kharkiv, Ukraine 2016 Tokyo TDC Exhibition 2016, Ginza Graphic Gallery, Japan 2016 Urban Aesthetic - TOP 100 Posters - International SAMSUN Poster Competition, Turkey 2016 Tokyo TDC Exhibition 2016, Tokyo ddd gallery, Japan 2016 Oriental Design Academic Exhibition of Design Road China Academy of Art,Hangzhou 2016 The Extension of Interface China Motion Typographic Design Exhibiiton,Beijing,China 2017 Tokyo TDC Selected Artworks 2016-1017 in Beijing, China 2023 Tokyo TDC Exhibition 2023, Ginza Graphic Gallery, Japan INTERVIEW/ARTICLES/PUBLICATIONS (Selection) 2002 ALL CHINA WORKS 2002, China 2003 XFUNS , Creative & Design Magazine No.5 , Funs Neo, Taiwan, China 2003 Build & Environment , Architects & Designers, Hong Kong, China 2004 etapes , e:108, Graphisme design image creation, France 2004 China Graphic Design Annual 2004, China 2005 etapes , e:118, Graphisme design image creation, France 2006 The Tokyo Type Directors Club Annual, Japan 2006 Building Design Portfolios, Rockport, USA 2007 The Tokyo Type Directors Club Annual, Japan 2007 Magazine 'New Design' Vol.3, China 2008 Magazine 'New Graphic' Vol.17, New Platform, China 2009 Page One, Inspirations from The East - Modern Chinese Design, Singapore 2010 KW, ISSUE 40, Interview, China 2010 Sushi Nr.12, ADC Deutschland, Germany 2010 Asian Graphics Now!, TASCHEN, Germany 2012 AIAPZINE, AIAP, Italy 2015 The Tokyo Type Directors Club Annual Vol.27, Japan 2016 Meggs' History of Graphic Design, 6th Edition, P559-560, Philip B. Meggs, Alston W. Purvis, USA 2018 Thesis Visual Treatment - Teaching thinking and practice of visual communication design,ART EDUCATION 2018.09,No.333 , ISSN1002-8900 , CN11-1188/J 2018 Thesis East Visual - Reform and construction of visual communication design education system; Journal of the National Academy of Art / V.39, Nov 7.2018 , CN 33-1068/J 2018 Graphic Design Vol.2 1960-TODAY, Jens Muller / Julius Wiedemann (Ed.) , P374, ISBN 978-3-8365-7037-4, TASCHEN 2019 Thesis The Essence of Posters Resting on Artistic Conception, Art Education Research, V.192, 3.15.2019, P60-61, CN 34-1313/J 2019 Thesis The Essence of Posters Resting on Artistic Conception, The 8th China International Poster Biennial, P12-19, ISBN 978-7-5503-1078-0 2019 Thesis Limitation and Breakthrough of Visual Communication Design: Teaching thinking and practice based on the construction of Oriental Design, Fine Arts & Design Journal of Nanjing Arts Institute, V.183, 2019/3, P171-174, CN 32-1008/J LECTURE/SPEECH (Selection) 2005 'Design & Designer' China International Poster Biennial, 20th Oct, Hangzhou, China 2007 The 3rd China International Design Forum of China International Poster Biennial, 26th Oct, Hangzhou, China 2009 'Creative & Graphic' The School of Art and Design Zhejiang Vocational College of Commerce, 23th Dec, Hangzhou, China 2010 'On the Road' Lectures and Forum HfG Offenbach Graphic design China ; Germany, 11th May, Offenbach, Germany 2010 'Artistic Conception' China Academy of Art, 17th Jun, Hangzhou, China 2011 'Brand Management Deutschland; China', Teelounge Shuyao, 12th Mai, Düsseldorf, Germany 2013 'The Ideal; Reality of the Designer' The School of Art & Design Zhejiang Vocational College of Commerce, Hangzhou, China 2017 'The energy of an art Academy to promote the development of a city’s creativity', UNESCO Paducah, USA 2017 'Visual Treatment'; Harvard University Graduate School of Design, ChinaGSD, Boston, USA 2018 Crisis of Art Academy and the End of Human International Forum of Art Academy's Presidents, Hangzhou, China 2018 The Social Context of a College; Shanghai Design Week Forum / Design Future 2 , Shanghai, China 2019 The Voice of Society - The Social Context of a College & Cross-strait & Art Education Forum, Hangzhou, China PUBLIC COLLECTIONS Hong Kong Heritage Museum, Hong Kong Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, China Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, Germany Victoria and Albert Museum,V&A, UK Lahti Art Museum, Finland Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Holland Klingspor Museum, Offenbach, Germany The Musée de la Publicité, France The Museum of Modern Art, Toyama, Japan The Poster Museum at Wilanow, Poland Moravian Gallery, Brno, Czech Republic The National Museum in Poznań, Poznań, Poland Chinese Modern Literary Museum, Beijing, China China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China Ningbo Museum of Art, China |